Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Day 6 - Northern France/Loire Valley: Mont St. Michel ~ Blois

Hey guys! Who would have ever thought Medieval castles and cosmetology would come together in a single day? Well, they did. After our departure from St. Malo, we headed for the island monastery of Mont St. Michel. One thing the French have not let us down with is food, especially their sweets. So we stopped on the way to get cookies Nom! Nom! Nom! Over 1000 years old, Mont St. Michel extends to the heavens (the main purpose of cathedrals during their construction) and has the most amazing view at the top, where you can see the surrounding sea. Monks also inhabit this ancient place; however, there is no way to hear them because they are sworn to silence. Ugh, we juniors thought Mrs. Braswell was tough when it comes to talking! The bus ride through the Loire Valley was both eventful and uneventful, let me explain. We got stuck in loads of traffic which turned our 4.5 hour drive into a 5.5 hour drive. What did we do with that extra hour? We braided hair of course! Anyway, I can now say that I, and quite a few of my male counterparts can braid hair like champs.

-Spencer Jackson














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